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About Claire

After a selection of great kid friendly recipes? From healthy snacks to fun with baking and easy day-to-day meals, Claire Thomson's got it covered... 


I am a chef, food writer and author of 9 cookery books. The Vegi Family Cookbook is my most recent and out now. I also have a podcast The 5 O’ Clock Apron Podcast and it is available to listen to wherever you get your podcasts, Spotify or ITUNES for example.

Find me on Instagram @5oclockapron for a daily snapshot of the food I cook at home for my family. Vegetables dominate in the food I make, and olive oil and lemons are always to hand. I cook because I love it and we - all of us - need to eat.  I write because all the best cooks and chefs I have ever known share a deep and greedy love of good food writing. I am almost always in an apron.

Born and raised in Zimbabwe, then London and Shropshire, I now live in Bristol with my Kiwi husband and 3 children. I have travelled and cooked professionally in a number of different countries. Food and travelling with my family is what makes my world go round.

I have written for various publications including The Guardian, The Telegraph and BBC Good Food Magazine. I have appeared on BBC Woman’s Hour, Saturday Kitchen, Sunday Brunch and Radio 6 Music. My books have been shortlisted for the Fortnum and Mason’s best debut food book award and have also been listed as one year’s best cookbooks.

With my other hat on, I also write wine lists for the award winning eatdrinksleep sites in Cornwall.