
Parent and Child Cooking Together Classes at OTTER FARM, Devon


Recipes and techniques for pleasure-filled cooking with your child

Spend the day cooking alongside your child under Claire’s expert guidance. Her brilliant book – The 5 O’Clock Apron – is full of fantastic recipes that suit parent and child, and equally importantly they are made to be created together.

The day will see you discovering new ideas for breakfast, lunch and supper together, via packed lunches, healthy snacks and fizzy cocktails (cocktails for the kids, proper stuff for the mums).

The day focuses on simple and doable-yet-sometimes-ambitious recipes and techniques for cooking together, that are very much about learning to cook together, while keeping the emphasis on shared pleasure.

On the day, you will both cook and eat together and also take home some of your delicious endeavours.

Recipes might include: homemade Nutella, soda bread, savoury cake, yogurt marinated cardomom roast chicken.

One ticket includes one adult with one child http://bit.ly/2e8RppH


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Parent and Child Cooking Together Classes at OTTER FARM, Devon


Recipes and techniques for pleasure-filled cooking with your child

Spend the day cooking alongside your child under Claire’s expert guidance. Her brilliant book – The 5 O’Clock Apron – is full of fantastic recipes that suit parent and child, and equally importantly they are made to be created together.

The day will see you discovering new ideas for breakfast, lunch and supper together, via packed lunches, healthy snacks and fizzy cocktails (cocktails for the kids, proper stuff for the mums).

The day focuses on simple and doable-yet-sometimes-ambitious recipes and techniques for cooking together, that are very much about learning to cook together, while keeping the emphasis on shared pleasure.

On the day, you will both cook and eat together and also take home some of your delicious endeavours.

Recipes might include: homemade Nutella, soda bread, savoury cake, yogurt marinated cardomom roast chicken.

One ticket includes one adult with one child.

BOOK NOW  http://bit.ly/2e8RppH

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Port Elliot

Saturday 30th July, morning time: Yup, I'll be there. Likely running an interactive cooking with and also for kids workshop. More on this soon...

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Event Three

Event Three

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Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.

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