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Sisterhood Summer Camp opens Monday 14th May at 8pm

Lou Archell of Little Green Shed is behind the Sisterhood Camp, an online community for woman to meet, greet and empower each other. Sign up here to register your interest. I have cooked at a few events for Lou now and looking forward to cooking in France at The Sisterhood French Retreat . 

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Talybont, North Wales, May 2017

Swimming in the sea is one of my most favourite things to do. Like a rocket, off down the beach, jumping into the freezing sea. Last weekend was spent with 3 of my old university friends, more Aperol Spritz than necessary to mention here and an enormous bag of ingredients to cook our way through the weekend. I don't blog, but might make a start here. 

*CALL TO ACTION* I am incredibly proud to be one of the four co-founders for Table of Delights. We are in now the midst of launching The Table of Delights YouTube channel; we want to reach an audience far & wide, engaging as many children as possible to cook with confidence & find real joy & pleasure in proper food. And, because we've all got kids, we think the best way to do this (Trojan Horse) is through brilliantly, bonkers entertainment. Kids don't need to be preached to, they want to have fun. This is important, what we are trying to do here is enormous.... we just need a little clout (brute force) with getting our message out there. If you've read this far, we're nearly done.... we can't name our YouTube channel until we have 100+ followers on YouTube. Small steps, giant leaps & lots of laughs. If you could all do me a great big favour and press SUBSCRIBE on this page you'll be helping me to fulfill the fairly ambitious aims of this project. Thinking BIG here; a global food entertainment for the next generation. Huge thanks xxx #creativefoodcontentforkids #thetableofdelights

Giffords Circus, Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe, Gloucester May 2017

By far the best Sunday of the year so far; Matt and I took the girls along with Granny and Baba to see the magical Giffords Circus. Big top, glorious, gorgeous circus attendants in "really good tights" (Dot, aged 4) all under bright blue sunny skies. We packed a picnic and set off from Bristol, a tiny bit late if truth be told as it's a mite hard going getting up and out of the house on a Sunday morning. Giffords exudes charm by the bucket (scratch that, skip) load; there is something for everyone. Grace (10 yrs) thought the human pyramid skipping act was the best, Ivy (7 yrs) laughed until her "head hurt" when the entire show was run through again at breakneck speed from the clown's perspective. Dot found her kindred spirit in Tweedy the clown. As for us adults, impressive, maverick and dynamic, these performers really know how to work a crowd with a nod to the knowing and the naughty together with a great big round of applause for the romance and revelry of live performance. We don't have any set in stone family traditions, but as of this year, I'm making this our very first.

Three Mint Tea & Peach Ice Lollies.

Over on Table Of Delights we've launched new MINT content. There's a recipe from me, a crazy bonkers music video where Bob Dylan meets Joni Mitchell and a ginger cat, a brilliant audio story from the minty underworld about Gods and Nymphs read by Tristan Sturrock and so much more. Spread the word, it's free and, by hook or by crook, we are reimagining food education for kids through entertainment. 

The Art Of The Larder is now available to preorder now on Amazon, Apparently preorder sales can really help shift a book in its infancy & get it out there to the wider public. So (here goes) if you've found my website or follow me on Instagram or Twitter & like my feed, I'd love you to buy my book. Shameless self promotion but I'd really like this book to rocket because I think it's a good one. A really good one. At 360 pages it's a whopper with an international recipe scope. Thanks in advance. Claire.


23rd April 2018

Next book, nearly there! My 4th book will be called New Kitchen Basics and will be published in March 2019. I am delighted to say here that The Bookseller has already flagged it as a highlight in next year's selection of cookery titles. I couldn't be more chuffed. So, what's the book about? In short and without giving too much away.... What are the dishes that define this generation? If we really are all so bored of Cottage Pie, Stir Fry and Spag Bol, then what? My next book is a selection of contemporary, practical recipes that will shake up your repertoire. Watch this space...
